Spring Equinox Ostara Tarot Spread for Growth and Self-Care

An in-depth and luscious tarot spread celebrating the abundance at work in your life. this spread was inspired by the 10 of cups and mimics its structure: you in the foreground + an array of cups above.

It’s easy to only turn to tarot when we’re at a crisis point or in need of some calming energy. But what about when things are going swimmingly?

You can use this spread for both: to highlights what’s going well when so much feels scattered and wrong OR as a way to amplify the already abundant energy in your life. Whatever you choose, let me know how it works out for you!

Shuffle your cards thoroughly while contemplating what gives you a sense of happiness and fulfillment in your life. When you feel ready, lay out all ten cards face down. Take a moment to focus your energy, cultivating a feeling of warmth and vigor. Take a breath and turn over all the cards.

Once you've taken in the whole picture, turn your attention to the first card. This represents you as you are now, aka all the wonderful energy you’re bringing into your life.

Move to the second card. This represents an inspiring memory from your past and asks you how to incorporate experiences that cultivate a similar feeling in your present life.

The third card is a relationship that brings you a deep sense of happiness and the gift of being seen for who you are. Be sure to thank this person and spend as much time with them as you can.

Card number four shows an area of your life where you’re being extra brave, pushing through any resistance and facing a large task or obstacle head-on. This card encourages you to keep going, utilizing the encouragement and support from all the other cards you’ve drawn.

Card five points you in the direction of a simple daily pleasure that’s giving you a huge sense of satisfaction. If you’re not allowing yourself this indulgence, this card encourages you to go for it and treat yourself.

And, finally, card six represents where you’re headed if you continue to support and grow this sense of abundance. This is the big, bright future you can look forward to.