Lovely Links & Happenings


Here are the tidbits that caught my eye this week. It's been busy and bustling over here. Pumpkin Spice Lattes seem to be everywhere (still haven't tried one yet, though I am tempted. It feels like a cultural experience of our times!) and I'm getting excited about Halloween and in the mood for horror movies.

On the blog, I shared some of my favorite ways to read card reversals. (No book required, just your  tarot knowledge and trusty intuition.)

How was your week? What new things did you discover? And, most importantly, what are you going to be for Halloween??? 

Photographs of gorgeous libraries in the US. 

Beautiful article about how trauma is stored in the body. 

Tips for working at home. 

A moving poem

What do McMansions and haunted houses have in common?

Looking to absolve your sins? In Dakar, Senegal, just purchase a bird and set it free. 

How God created animals according to twitter.


Weekly Forecast: Oct 10-16


4 Ways to Interpret Reversed Tarot Cards