Weekly Forecast: September 25-October 1

Tarot Reading with the Kitty Kahane Tarot

We have a tender group of cards this week, the perfect way to ease ourselves into fall and into ourselves. In fact ease has been front and center for us. We can find it naturally in our innate talents and in moments that are purely enjoyable  - holding hands with someone we love, gazing at the first crisp blue sky, taking a bite of a flaky, decadent pastry. But ease is also something we invite into our lives and something we achieve through deliberate effort and choices.

This is the type of ease we're dealing with this week. So, before we dive in, these early days of autumn are a wonderful time to pause and celebrate the bravery of our choices. We've showed up for ourselves, taken care of our needs, and remained open enough to the world around us to know when to let go and let things work their magic.

This, my friends, is all the energy of The Hanged Man. He leads us into this week with a reminder that inviting ease into our lives and then doing that at times terrifying trust fall into life is a brave thing indeed. Respecting and loving ourselves enough to want life to be smooth and gentle when it can be shows courage. It's the courage to  fight against suffering for suffering's sake and to embrace the big lives we all have the capability of leading. 

No small fry, indeed. It involves letting go of our egos and trusting that we've made the right decisions. And it also leaves us open and receptive to the magic all around us.

This week, as we're getting used to the new position of trusting relaxation, we're noticing a shift in our thinking. When we get tied up exclusively in the shoulds and to-do's of "busy", "normal" life we can steamroll over more timid desires and parts of our personality. Rest gives us a chance to see what's been hiding under the surface.

And who's that on the horizon? It's the dashing Knight of Cups that's who. Our romantic side is making a grand entrance, refreshed and inspired from our shift in pace and perspective. This is a grand time of inspiration, passion, and motion. Playing with this new energy will bring us lots of information. It may seem flowery and intense at first, maybe even embarassingly different from our usual way of being. If we try our best to run with it, however, we'll be surprised by the directions it leads us in.

Well, maybe not so surprised since the next card in our reading is The Lovers. Yes, this card is classic and exciting and there is a great deal of potential for connection with like-minded (and hopefully stunning) people. Yet the romance of The Lovers is also a larger kind. What parts of our lives have been illuminated by our Hangman-inspired change of perspective? What  part of our lives and of the world are we falling in love with? 

Now is a time to look at the world with the glow that comes with being in love. How does it change our ideas? Does it illuminate something we've once overlooked? Or does it simply fill us with warmth and appreciation for what we have, illuminating its true beauty and preciousness. Embrace all these feelings, share them, and invite them to expand. 


Tarot for Self-Care: The Four of Swords


Weekly Forecast: September 18-24