Weekend Send-Off: Back in Action


I'm back from a rejuvenating vacation and happy to be blogging again! Though in honesty, it's quite the transition going from leisurely beach walks to the ins-and-outs of my work schedule. I've been talking with so many people about the healing magic of being near the ocean. Durham, for all its warmth and wonder, isn't quite close enough for my tastes, so being at my family's home in Cape Cod was a huge pleasure.

And yet it's also incredibly energizing to be diving back into the tarot world. I have so many plans that I'm cooking up: changes to this website as well as new offerings and events for the fall. It's a lot to wrangle, but loving what you do is a huge help.

In the midst of it all I've been making time to enjoy the shifts in the season (fall is on it's way, hallelujah!) and other simple pleasures such as...

Kitchen Delights - Fettuccine and Clams

One of my favorite things to do in Cape Cod is clamming. Armed with special rakes and wire baskets, you wade out during low tide and comb the sand feeling for hidden mollusks. It's meditative, peaceful, and oh so easy. Plus, you get to come home sunswept, salty, and armed with a delicious catch for dinner.

The day before we left I went out during an extremely low tide and filled a basket with my father, who also happens to be the Deputy Shellfish Warden (the post comes with a badge and very jazzy hat!). He packed the clams safely in a cooler for my drive down South and I cooked them up with fettuccine for an epic clam dinner with friends. Is anything better? I've linked to a recipe from Smitten Kitchen, but you really can't go wrong with clams, onions, wine, butter, and lots of chili flakes. 

Why Not? - Beach Tarot

One of my treasured beach rituals is doing surprising things while basking in the sun. I usually eschew zippy beach reads for heavy Russian novels (what can I say, I love contrast!) and even bring my tarot cards for some quick personal readings. My Rider-Waite-Smith in a tin works especially well. Just make sure you're vigilant or they'll get blown away by the sea breeze...

Repeat Tarot Card - Two of Pentacles

Now here's a card I love to see! The Two of Pentacles was all over the place this past week. A wondeful depiction of juggling work and projects with aplomb, this card shows that we've been on our toes and loving every moment of it. 

Listening, Reading, Watching

There's nothing like a long drive to get deep into podcasts and audio books. I was so engrossed with the true crime podcast West Cork that I hardly noticed my travels from D.C. through New Jersey - high praise, indeed! 

I've also been listening to the audiobook version of the David Lynch biography-autobiography hybrid, Room to Dream. It's fascinatingly structured with one chapter by a biographer followed by a segment written (and in this version narrated) by Lynch himself.

How about you? What has been bringing joy to your life this week? Now without further ado, the card for the weekend.

Minors Swords King.jpg

The King of Swords


Message: Take charge and go after what you want knowing that your perceptions are on-point.

Embrace: Decisiveness, healthy self-interest.

Let Go Of: Controlling others, power trips. Holding back your opinions.

Guidance: Is there something you really want and believe in that you haven't been allowing yourself to pursue? Now is a wonderful time to step into this new direction with confidence!


Weekly Forecast: August 27-September 2


Weekly Forecast: August 20-26