Weekly Forecast: June 24-30

Three Card Reading Mystic Mondays Tarot Wheel of Fortune

We have a very practical Weekly Forecast on our hands, dear friends. This isn't a lofty or cosmic message, maybe relievingly so after what seems like a month at least of big readings peppered with many Major Arcana cards.

That's not to say that this is an inconsequential time, but it is one when we can hang up bigger life questions and dive back into the tasks of everyday life. What better group of cards to leave the way, then, than than the wands?

The Wheel of Fortune in the center is signaling this shift from personal growth and healing to daily concerns. The new season is ruled by the wands, those fiery and ambitious cards that inspire us to get up and get going. And the best way to honor this change? It's to dive right in.

When we see The Wheel of Fortune we can be sure that change is imminent. If we've been feeling in the weeds or overwhelmed with interrogating our life choices or navigating our psyches, we can breathe a sigh of relief. The clouds are parting. Take note of wherever you feel stuck right now and use this wands energy to consciously burst past your blockages.

In case you feel nervous about all this energy, rest easy. The beginning of this week is giving us a wonderful time to plan and collect ourselves. The Two of Wands is arguably the most secure of the bunch. It's the moment before takeoff, the grounding before a big shift, and the creative freedom of honing a plan before the action starts.

The Two of Wands is inviting us to tie up loose ends, take advantage of the time we have, and to get in touch with our larger plan before it spins into the complicated and exciting realm of reality. How can we focus and point our arrow at the target before it shoots into action?

This card is quite affirming because it indicates that we're in a secure position to be doing all of this. And, for the restless among us, we can enjoy the process knowing that the action is just around the corner.

The Wheel of Fortune in the center also tells us that if there's a project or plan we've been honing, waiting for just the right moment to begin, it's almost time to launch it into reality. The middle of the week is an excellent time to initiate new ventures, start new creative projects, or begin a larger shift. When we take advantage of this cosmic good weather it can be surprising how quickly we progress.

Speaking of which, The Seven of Wands is asking us to prepare for an onslaught of action. It's not of the dangerous sort, but it's intensity might catch us off guard. It will be increasingly important to remain grounded in our larger goals and convictions and to remember to enjoy the busyness we may have only been dreaming of just a few days ago.


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