Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Kings

I think I’ve been dragging my feet with this final post on the court cards because I don’t want to be done with my card meaning dictionary! But it’s a new year and the time has come to tackle The Kings once and for all, so let’s get to it.

The Kings are a fascinating group of cards and deal with questions of authority, expertise, and leadership. Like the Queens they are fully in control of their suit and element, having learned to master it after years of study, dedication, and real-life practice.

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

I think I’ve been dragging my feet with this final post on the court cards because I don’t want to be done with my card meaning dictionary! But it’s a new year and the time has come to tackle The Kings once and for all, so let’s get to it.

The Kings are a fascinating group of cards and deal with questions of authority, expertise, and leadership. Like the Queens they are fully in control of their suit and element, having learned to master it after years of study, dedication, and real-life practice.

Yet while the Queens deal with a flexible and personal relationship to their suit, the Kings take their connection outwards, using their expertise in the social world.

Perhaps because of this they can tend towards being inflexible, though at their best they’re even-keeled, confident, and determined,

Let's take a closer look at how this stance is reflected in each suit:

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The King of Wands is a passionate and noticeable leader. This is the kind of personality that loves to be in the vanguard, pioneering new ideas, sometimes without considering the feelings of others. Motivated by the thrill of doing, achievement, and success, this King values change, innovation, and creativity.

The King of Swords, in contrast, is a much more intellectual leader. They prefer to deal with concepts and principles over actions and value deliberation, knowledge, and planning. Sometimes abstract to a fault, the King of Swords can be thought of as a researcher whose intelligence is undeniable and inspires others.

The King of Cups has the fascinating ability to use healthy detachment to understand even the most complex emotional situations. Concerned with relationships and interpersonal dynamics, this card is deeply feeling, perceptive, and intuitive. A wonderful judge of character, this card speaks to bigger life questions and can inspire with his personal charm and equanimity.

And finally, the King of Pentacles is a jolly yet formidable leader. It’s not hard to see that this king has no problem cultivating abundance. Just look at those grapes twining throughout his card! A figure whose command of resources, money, and riches is unparalleled, the King of Pentacles also knows how to have a good time and values celebrating and using wealth for enjoyment, not just for himself but others as well.

Click on each card for the full meaning and share your take on the Kings below. How does their leadership and power show up in your life and your readings?

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Queens

Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype? 

The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively. 

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype? 

The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively. 

Each Queen focuses on their suit and element with an open curiosity. When they appear in readings they denote periods of openness, power, and expressiveness. They're flexible, dynamic, and irresistibly in tune with themselves. As such, they make for inspiring cards that combine competence with awareness of the world around them. 

The Queens ask us to see how we're using our abilities. Are we hiding it from ourselves, shrinking from the spotlight? Being in control doesn't have to mean being closed off, stuck, or harsh. Accepting these cards can lead to great personal satisfaction and public support and acclaim. 

Let's take a closer look at how this stance is reflected in each suit:

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The Queen of Wands is perhaps the most overtly charismatic of the group. She's learned to ground the fiery passion of wands in actions and values. She's a vivacious presence in any situation, creative and charming, but also dependable and fiercely independent. 

The Queen of Swords is just, respected, and intellectually formidable. Weilding a powerful understanding of the world and how it works she is an expert at navigating tricky situations, condensing complex issues into simpler truths, and making hard decisions. Always a trusted advisor, this Queen trusts her perceptions and revels in learning about the world around her.

The Queen of Cups is adept at navigating the waters of emotion and connection. She's able to hold space for others while honoring her own experience. Always caring and receptive, she sees the talents in all she encounters and delights in fostering connections and building alliances. A natural healer, this Queen wants to awaken people to their intuition and spirituality. 

And finally, the Queen of Pentacles shows up in the world with magnetic decadence. Deeply connected to the natural world and all its pleasures, she has built an impressive life for herself and knows how to be practical and pragmatic in order to live the life she wants. Valuing coziness and deeper meaning, she uses her resources to aid others and better the world.

What about you? How do the Queens show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these formidable and alluring cards.

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Knights

I have such a soft spot for the Knights in tarot. They have so much verve and energy! These are not a group of cards interested in concepts or abstractions. They want to get down and dirty, engaging with life in the hands-on, adventuresome style of someone on a mission. While the Pages are eager students, the Knights might be someone who lists "School of Life and Hard Knocks" on their facebook education section. They want to learn by doing and they're already diving into the task at hand.

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

I have such a soft spot for the Knights in tarot. They have so much verve and energy! These are not a group of cards interested in concepts or abstractions. They want to get down and dirty, engaging with life in the hands-on, adventuresome style of someone on a mission. While the Pages are eager students, the Knights might be someone who lists "School of Life and Hard Knocks" on their facebook education section. They want to learn by doing and they're already diving into the task at hand.

I often refer to the Knights as the teenagers in tarot. They have the same headstrong conviction and, like any rebellious youth, this attitude is also masking an endearing tenderness. Not fully formed as people, the Knights still have a lot to figure out, which is why these cards can also represent foolhardiness, irrational decision making, and risk-taking.

While the Knights can get themselves in a pickle by jumping the gun - saying something in anger or frustration, committing to a task they can't finish, or living in an idealized fantasy world - they also bring an incredible amount of energy and enthusiasm to any situation. Look to the Knights for the galvanizing force behind a big leap or the passion needed to get things going and inspire others. 

Each of the Knights comes with their own unique flavor. Let's explore their wild, engaging, and impetuous world below:

The  Knight of Wands is quite the handful. Just think about the combination of teenage energy + fiery wands! This card might possibly be the most charismatic of the deck. It brings with it passion, energy, and the desire to leap in and get things done.

For the Knight of Swords is much more cerebral. This is a card where the conceptual and the real come together for the Knight of Swords is all about testing out ideas. What might this theory look like in real life? How can we act on our principles or communicate our thoughts? This can sometimes get tricky since sharp swords are in the situation, but the intention is usually well-meaning.

The Knight of Cups is the romantic of the bunch. Think of the emo guy writing poetry in the back of class. This Knight has a way with words and imagery, loves art and poetry, and will sweep anyone off their feet with romantic promises. When it comes to real life, however, this card balks at anything less than glamorous and perfect and can become sullen and withdrawn.

Last but not least, The Knight of Pentacles brings the energy of the Knights back down to earth. The most practical of the bunch, this card is all about slow, deliberate, action. Concerned with cultivation and making plans into reality, this card can get stuck in their ways and become resistant to change. Is the path they're going on what they really want?

What about you? How do the Knights show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these zesty cards.

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Pages

Ah, the Pages, what a delightful and enthusiastic group of cards! The Pages represent themes of youth, vitality, fascination, learning, and focus. We can think of these cards as the youngsters of tarot. They see the world with fresh eyes and find inspiration naturally and freely. 

The Pages remind me of the unbridled obsessions we have as children. For me it was dinosaurs. I loved them. I loved everything about them. I wanted dinosaur toys, dinosaur books, and dinosaur pajamas. We can see this organic excitement and focus in the cards. Each page holds the symbol of his suit. They're drawn to the meaning of each symbol. They want to learn the ins-and-outs. They want to experience it all.

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

Ah, the Pages, what a delightful and enthusiastic group of cards! The Pages represent themes of youth, vitality, fascination, learning, and focus. We can think of these cards as the youngsters of tarot. They see the world with fresh eyes and find inspiration naturally and freely. 

The Pages remind me of the unbridled obsessions we have as children. For me it was dinosaurs. I loved them. I loved everything about them. I wanted dinosaur toys, dinosaur books, and dinosaur pajamas. We can see this organic excitement and focus in the cards. Each page holds the symbol of his suit. They're drawn to the meaning of each symbol. They want to learn the ins-and-outs. They want to experience it all.

In readings, Pages refer to our instinctual interests, our childlike ability to see magic in the world around us, new areas of study and learning, as well as emerging news and information. Let's look at each Page below to get some more insight into this lovely group of cards. Click on each link for the official meaning entry and more details.

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The  Page of Wands unites the energy of the Pages with the intoxicating power of creativity. This card represents burgeoning creative interests, the development of creative skills, and the desire to learn by doing. 

For the Page of Swords shows growing interests in intellectual pursuits, whether it's becoming a student (or an actual student in your life) or being drawn to research and collect new information. This Page wheels and deals in facts, information, and communication, though they're learning the ropes of each they have a natural aptitude and burning sense of motivation.

The Page of Cups is a sensitve and seeking card. It can denote moments when we feel called to get connected with our intuition, spirituality, and other forms of guidance. This Page is romantic, tender, curious, and gentle. It also ties into new connections, relationships, and emerging feelings.

Finally, the Page of Pentacles ties the eagerness of the Pages to the practical world. This can show up as the beginning of entrupreneurial interests, plans for businesses, professional training, and interest in making changes in our lives. The Page of Pentacles is interested in making a direct impact on their life and working towards stability.

How do the Pages speak to you in your tarot practice? Which do you relate to most? I'd love to hear your takes, so share away in the comment section below! And stay tuned for our next section on the Knights. 

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