Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: August 1-7

Well, judging by the cards above, August is starting out with a bang, not a whimper. A bang that leads to plenty of whimpering? I think so.

As we can see, we’re visited by one of the most arresting images in tarot, The Tower. A humbling experience, this card shows us what happens when a structure we’ve staked our sense of security on crumbles spectacularly. There’s no way around it; this is a challenging and often painful experience. Yet it’s important to note this: whatever is crumbling was meant to fall.

Well, judging by the cards above, August is starting out with a bang, not a whimper. A bang that leads to plenty of whimpering? I think so.

As we can see, we’re visited by one of the most arresting images in tarot, The Tower. A humbling experience, this card shows us what happens when a structure we’ve staked our sense of security on crumbles spectacularly. There’s no way around it; this is a challenging and often painful experience. Yet it’s important to note this: whatever is crumbling was meant to fall.

The Queen of Cups is extending her graces throughout the month. Not only is she leading us into the week, she’s the official “card of the month” in August’s forecast. This queen challenges us to remain connected to both our emotional/intutive selves and our practical selves. Rather than seeing these forces as in conflict, The Queen of Cups embraces the complimentary nature of passion and responsibility. Can we use our practical, problem-solving skills to be responsible for our own passions: desire, beauty, and connection?

Having The Queen of Cups leading off both this week and the month as a whole is telling us that the skills we’ve been practicing (and the facets of ourselves that we’re becoming acquainted with) are coming into focus right now. In fact, they’re the key to our growth and, perhaps on some level, survival.

Because, yes, The Tower can sometimes show us moments when we have to deal with something that feels annihilating. And, like everything in tarot, this occurs on a spectrum. Each of our experiences of The Tower this week will vary in intensity. It could be an external event, a shift in our self-perception, or something we’ve depended on crumbling before our eyes.

Take time to devote your loving attention to yourself this week, and reacquaint yourself with all the ways you’ve stepped into prioritizing your emotional and spiritual development. This is a time to re-commit to any self-care and spiritual practices that make you feel whole, centered, and alive. The Queen of Cups isn’t a flashy card at first glance, but she emits a magnetic pull, one of a person who knows themselves deeply and is committed to staying present for all facets of life, including the painful parts.

I wonder, too, if The Tower may represent a backlash to the new and increasingly bold ways we’ve been drawing boundaries to protect our inner space and creative/romantic/spiritual lives. Again, remembering that The Tower needs to crumble will be pivotal. In some cases, we don’t even need to participate in the collapse. If there’s someone around you being harmfully dramatic or reactive, simply stay in the lush and healing world you’ve been cultivating for yourself. Like the Queen of Cups, keep your foot dipped into the waters of your emotional truth, feel the beauty of the world around you, and let it all nourish you no matter how intense the rest of the world may be.

The King of Cups enters the scene and I’m feeling this card as an external presence. Look for someone in your life whose emotional maturity equals yours and whose ways of coping, understanding, and living with The Tower compliments your own. In other words, there’s partnership to be found in this moment of difficulty that may end up being pivotal. Think of allies, supporters, and mentors: who can stand with you and reinforce your experience of reality?

There’s no way around it, this is challenging energy. Yet I can’t think of a better team to face the intensity of The Tower. I’m also reminded of the immense difficulty of witnessing something or someone crumble. Both The Queen and King of Cups embody fluid, strong, and healthy boundaries. If you feel pulled to rescue, compensate, or intervene in someone else’s tower moment, don’t. There’s so much to take in from the seat of power you’ve carved for yourself - rushing into someone else's flames won’t help either of you.

This week, embrace:

  • Re-committing to your personal practices

  • Prioritizing beauty, deeper meaning, and spirituality

  • Emotionally mature supporters and partners

  • Your choices to lead a life that works for you

  • Facing uncomfortable truths

  • Embracing the healing potential of collapse, endings

This week, avoid:

  • Getting sucked into drama, bids for rescue

  • Catastrophizing

  • Reacting immediately instead of reflecting

  • Savior-complexes

  • Changing your beliefs, choices to accommodate others

Get creative:

  • Queen of Cups: It feels like we’ll need a sanctuary this week. I have several ideas: 1) An actual space - make a nook that really goes for it in terms of showcasing your romantic, poetic side. Pillows and string lights? Objects of beauty? Line them up! 2) A ritual you can turn to - think of something that makes you feel connected with your body and emotions. Meditation? A languorous bath? A walk in nature? Hold this in your back pocket and use it when you encounter The Tower. 3) A mental space - if you don’t have one already, think of a place you can travel to in your imagination. Like option 1, it should contain things and exist in an environment that makes you feel both safe and inspired. Unlike option 1, it’s not contained by the pesky rules of reality! Get decadent and travel there when you feel the destructive pull of The Tower.

  • King of Cups: While we’ll likely have a King of Cups IRL, I think this would be a good opportunity to identify King(s) in other places. Who do you view as an emotional role model? Someone who inspires you with their maturity, poise, and dedication? I think we run a risk of playing it small this week or muting our seeking dreamer selves, so this person or people should be trailblazers, too, people unafraid to live life on their own terms: authors, poets, artists, and more. List or simply visit these people’s work as you go through the week so you can remain connected to your larger self and a world beyond however the tower is manifesting right now.

  • The Tower: This one in simple: wait. If something is collapsing in your life, just let it fall. The Tower can invite panic and frenzied action. Resist the impulse. Time allows the fire to die down, the clouds to disperse, and the reality on the ground to become real.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: November 25 - December 1

This week we’re in a tender spot, feeling our way through the beginning stages of something new. What seems like a stark contrast - the joviality of the King of Pentacles and the sensitivity of the Queen of Cups - is made even more so by our desire to think our way out of it. The Two of Swords shows deliberation, isolation, and emotional unrest. Might there be another way? Or, more pointedly, might there be something we’re missing?

Three Card Rider-Waite Tarot Reading Two of Swords Queen of Cups King of Pentacles

This week we’re in a tender spot, feeling our way through the beginning stages of something new. What seems like a stark contrast - the joviality of the King of Pentacles and the sensitivity of the Queen of Cups - is made even more so by our desire to think our way out of it. The Two of Swords shows deliberation, isolation, and emotional unrest. Might there be another way? Or, more pointedly, might there be something we’re missing?

I have a feeling that these cards are only representing a surface level. Both court cards and the Two of Swords involve highlighting a facet of our experience while setting aside or, at the worst, devaluing others. This is a good opportunity to check for balance in our lives. Are we extending outwards too much, stretching away from our central perspective? Or are we getting drawn inwards, preoccupied with worries or anxiety?

Either way, we’re certainly functioning well, all things considered. These court cards aren’t here for nothing! We can take their capability and use it to support us, too. How have we built a lush life for ourselves? What resources are behind us? The King of Pentacles shows these skills operating at their best. 

Yet there’s some unease here, as we can see with the Two of Swords. Perhaps we feel like we must choose between the bright, charismatic capability of the King of Pentacles and the emotive, wise introspection of the Queen of Cups?

(I have to admit, this is sounding more and more like the tension of spending the holidays with family! For those heading into that realm, feel free to see the cards in this light.)

Sometimes it’s most helpful to follow the lead of a card, to healthily engage with its energy. Allowing ourselves time, solitude, and the ability to think things over will help usher us through the inaction of the Two of Swords. There’s something important for us to learn here, so let’s start asking the questions and leave room to receive the answers.

And, if we’re missing the emotional wisdom of the Queen of Cups, we can engage with our intuition. The Two of Swords depicts a rippling ocean behind the blindfolded figure. Our intuition is telling us something and, most importantly, is right behind us. There may be some important insight in our restlessness, and we’ll only find out if we take off our blindfolds and turn around to examine it. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: November 12-18

This week we're skirting around an issue that means a lot to us and, while we have a larger intuitive understanding of what we're dealing with, our conscious minds need to do some catching up. It's tender territory, in other words, but one we're slowly approaching and very ready for. 

Aquarian Tarot Reading with Three Cards and Plant

This week we're skirting around an issue that means a lot to us and, while we have a larger intuitive understanding of what we're dealing with, our conscious minds need to do some catching up. It's tender territory, in other words, but one we're slowly approaching and very ready for. 

How do we recognize this area of our lives? It's big, expansive and requires us to change our understanding of our capabilities. Look for a feeling of anticipation, the fizz of the alluring unknown, and a healthy bit of trepidation around a change, pursuit, or project.

What's quite beautiful about this group of cards is that we start with the Queen of Cups, one of the most intuitively robust in tarot. This queen knows that her power comes from her connection to herself and she respects her feelings as harbingers of wisdom instead of unwanted distractions or signs of weakness. Rather than "I think therefore I am," this card says, "I feel therefore I am." Her knowledge begins with her personal experience.

In this reading she tells us that deep down we're aware of what we need to be growing into; we've been taking the time to nurture it from a small seed into a sprout that's ready to be planted. The idea might not be in full focus, but the feelings surrounding it most certainly are.

What's interesting here is that we have a court card about intuition instead of a heavy-hitting Major Arcana card like the High Priestess or The Star. This means that we're easing into a new understanding of ourselves, experimenting with a persona like we might try on a new and daring outfit in the hopes that it suits us. 

Judgment, with it's far-from-subtle blaring trumpet, gives us a refreshingly straightforward answer. We're onto something here! The Queen of Cups outfit we're trying on fits us so well that people are cheering when we step out of the dressing room.Tapping into our intuitive selves, whether it's through a new interest, career path, or form of expression, is bringing us a new sense of fulfillment that's radiating outwards and making some very positive splashes in the world around us. 

Of course, this is also a lot to take in, especially if we're coming from the tender seed stage! The Two of Swords sees us retreating into familiar territory to regroup and reassess, almost as if we're trying to moderate the loudness of Judgment's trumpet blast. 

This is all well and good - the Two of Swords features heavy water motifs showing that intuition can still be included with the intellect - but we may want to watch out for retreating too far and using our rationality to reason ourselves out of a necessary change. 

Still, we can move forward at our own pace, giving ourselves plenty of time to acclimate to the large, resounding scope of Judgment's message. We can always consult ourselves as we chart this path, editing as we go. The Queen of Cups, however, tells us to follow our hearts above all and trust in the immense power of our instincts. We're on a very rewarding track and our deepest self knows it. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: October 15-21

This week's reading is an affirming reminder of the power of community. The Three of Cups, sometimes referred to as the "party card," shows us that this time is full of celebration and collaboration. This is one of those happy cards whose advice is easy to follow: Let joy and festivity permeate your life. Not a hard pill to swallow at all!

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot Three Card Reading

This week's reading is an affirming reminder of the power of community. The Three of Cups, sometimes referred to as the "party card," shows us that this time is full of celebration and collaboration. This is one of those happy cards whose advice is easy to follow: Let joy and festivity permeate your life. Not a hard pill to swallow at all!

The key of the Three of Cups, however, is a bit more complex than that. It asks us to consider where in our lives we experience ease - where (and with whom?) do we naturally and joyfully flourish? Sometimes we devalue these experiences thinking that they need to be more difficult in order to be legitimate. For example, ignoring a talent or passion because it's too easy. Like the myth of the starving artist or the business person who pulls themselves up by their bootstraps, we sometimes equate struggle with authenticity. This can lead to some dreary plodding and, perhaps fortunately, to unnecessary suffering.

Luckily, we have those closest to us to tell us where we truly shine. The Three of Cups is a deep card of relationship. When we see it in readings we're being asked to identify those close friends, family members, and allies who lift us up and amplify our confidence and happiness. They're the people who've seen us through tough times and know us well enough to let us know when we're striving against our nature or dimming our natural light. Seeing this card today is a reminder to value and uphold those connections with plenty of appreciation and shared joy. 

In consulting and celebrating with our trusted, like-minded souls we can gain a better understanding of just how far we've come and the position of power we're in right now. The Nine of Pentacles is another card that's deceptively simple at first glance. A true representation of abundance, it's easy to gloss this one over or complicate it unnecessarily. Interpretations run from "things are looking peachy financially!" to "decadence and complacency." What's more interesting about this card, however, is its exploration into the story behind our success.

This week we're in a cozy position of power. Not power over others or greedy hoarding or resources. We're actively caring for and cultivating a beautiful life that's glimmering for all to see. We're being supported by our community and in a position to make lasting changes in our careers and personal lives. In fact, this is a moment when the two are deeply intertwined, suggesting a close meeting of our values and actions. What we're doing is resonating with us on a deeper level, and that's something to truly celebrate. 

The hooded hawk perched on the top of the Nine of Pentacles shows the hard work and training that's brought us to this point. We've managed to harness our animal nature and make it work for us. These golden coins aren't ostentatious displays of success meant to make others jealous. They're a glowing invitation for others to come and join in our happiness. While we might struggle with this new-found sense of visibility (and vulnerability), the Three of Cups is here to ease our transition. Connecting with those we really trust will help shed light on our situation. Now is a wonderful time to share both our successes, plans, and even nervousness with our friends. They can remind us of the long path we've been following to get to this point and the lessons we've integrated along the way.

The Queen of Cups further illustrates how important all this happiness is. While we may be fighting against a protective instinct to remain small and invulnerable to criticism, this card shows us another way. We can be both powerful and available, emotionally present and prioritize our needs, kind and firm, and fully ourselves. This archetype is telling us that we can be gentle with ourselves and make time to joyfully honor our dreams and success. Using what feels good, right, and flows naturally as a compass we can navigate the stormiest waters. For now, however, it's sunny and smooth sailing. 

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Queens

Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype? 

The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively. 

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

Queens are having quite a cultural moment now, from the ubiquitous "Yaas Queen" (or Kween, Qween, etc.) to the trend of calling admired celebrities "Queens." And, indeed, who could resist this powerful archetype? 

The Queens in tarot share the work of ruling with the Kings. Though they are traditionally gendered as female, they can represent anyone who embodies their energies. As rulers they've mastered their suit but, unlike the Kings, they're more interested in expressing this power creatively rather than authoritatively. 

Each Queen focuses on their suit and element with an open curiosity. When they appear in readings they denote periods of openness, power, and expressiveness. They're flexible, dynamic, and irresistibly in tune with themselves. As such, they make for inspiring cards that combine competence with awareness of the world around them. 

The Queens ask us to see how we're using our abilities. Are we hiding it from ourselves, shrinking from the spotlight? Being in control doesn't have to mean being closed off, stuck, or harsh. Accepting these cards can lead to great personal satisfaction and public support and acclaim. 

Let's take a closer look at how this stance is reflected in each suit:

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The Queen of Wands is perhaps the most overtly charismatic of the group. She's learned to ground the fiery passion of wands in actions and values. She's a vivacious presence in any situation, creative and charming, but also dependable and fiercely independent. 

The Queen of Swords is just, respected, and intellectually formidable. Weilding a powerful understanding of the world and how it works she is an expert at navigating tricky situations, condensing complex issues into simpler truths, and making hard decisions. Always a trusted advisor, this Queen trusts her perceptions and revels in learning about the world around her.

The Queen of Cups is adept at navigating the waters of emotion and connection. She's able to hold space for others while honoring her own experience. Always caring and receptive, she sees the talents in all she encounters and delights in fostering connections and building alliances. A natural healer, this Queen wants to awaken people to their intuition and spirituality. 

And finally, the Queen of Pentacles shows up in the world with magnetic decadence. Deeply connected to the natural world and all its pleasures, she has built an impressive life for herself and knows how to be practical and pragmatic in order to live the life she wants. Valuing coziness and deeper meaning, she uses her resources to aid others and better the world.

What about you? How do the Queens show up in your tarot practice? How do you relate to them personally? Share in the comments below, and be sure to do something bold and adventurous today in celebration of these formidable and alluring cards.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: August 27-September 2

The Knight of Wands is a charming character. Like all knights, they carry with them a sense of adventure, but this one in particular has the passionate zest of the wands behind them: their ideas are energizing, their enthusiasm is irresistibly contagious, and they promise change and distraction from the ordinary. 

Victorian Romantic Tarot Card Reading

The Knight of Wands is a charming character. Like all knights, they carry with them a sense of adventure, but this one in particular has the passionate zest of the wands behind them: their ideas are energizing, their enthusiasm is irresistibly contagious, and they promise change and distraction from the ordinary. 

Is there a catch to all this flashy brilliance? Why yes, there is, and this week we're seeing this card enacting both sides of its nature. First comes the alluring invitation to adventure. Knights represent youthful energy, and it's not the guileless innocence of early childhood. Instead, these cards are willful, idealistic, and impulsive. 

We might experience this card as a sense of restlessness, spiritual itchiness, or dissatisfaction in our lives. Wands are the suit of fire, so we can be sure that we're looking for quick fixes and immediate solutions that have an air of romance about them. We're finding ourselves entranced by ideas of escape from the ordinary like quitting our day jobs to travel the world or abandoning a project that's gotten difficult to take up a new opportunity. This could also show up in our love lives as we start to look at our partners, new or established, with a critical eye. The overarching message? We feel edgy so we should do something about it now!

Not so fast. While the Knight of Wands' message might be galvanizing, it runs the risk of fizzling out when put into action. In other words, we're using a new venture to run away from something that's already working for us. Maybe the reality of the situation feels boring, or we feel hemmed in by the commitment. Starting something new is the perfect way to distance ourselves, but we might be side-stepping what we really want and need.

The Two of Wands illustrates the escape fantasies that can come with boredom or over-familiarity. Looking at the card we can see that the main figure is living a life filled with riches. They're caressing lush feathers while standing on a castle parapet wearing luxurious finery, for goodness sake! Then why are they staring wistfully off into the horizon?

This card is a cheeky reminder that our fantasies are just fantasies. Instead of propelling us out of a tricky situation they're cheating us out of enjoying what we have. Are we growing bored with our fancy clothes, the beautiful castle we've built for ourselves, and the relationships that take place within its walls? 

And the bigger question beneath all this is, what feelings, desires, or wishes are we avoiding with all these plans and daydreams? 

The Queen of Cups is a reassuring and insightful card to end with and it shows us how we're actually sitting on top of a huge well of intuitive knowledge. We know, in our heart of hearts, that the situation isn't calling for wandsy action. Instead, this is a time to step back into our personal inner sanctum, that quiet space where we consult ourselves and then listen quietly for our own response.

Because we're not at a Knight's phase in this moment. And we don't want to initiate distracting change and get lost in new ventures. We're actually well on the way of a slower journey. We know ourselves better, and can identify, accept, and lovingly re-direct our anxious, eager reactions. The Queen of Cups shows us that underneath it all, we know where we're going, and our sense of direction is based on an indescribable knowing. We're feeling our way forward, not rationalizing or justifying it to anyone. 

Clarity is coming our way towards the end of the week, so all we need to do is recognize our eager, impatient Knight of Wands selves while making space for the insight of the Queen of Cups. And while we're at it, we can enjoy the wonders of our actual lives, returning the romance and value to what we've worked so hard to cultivate. There' so much to enjoy and treasure. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 25 - July 1

This week's reading greets us with a powerful array of cards: The Queen of Cups, The Chariot, and The Magician. In the next few days we have all the tools in front of us to make big and bold strides towards what we really want. All signs point to go and, most importantly, our motivations are coming from a good and grounded place.

Rider Waite Smith Tarot Forecast Nine of Wands, Page of Cups, Ten of Cups

This week's reading greets us with a powerful array of cards: The Queen of Cups, The Chariot, and The Magician. In the next few days we have all the tools in front of us to make big and bold strides towards what we really want. All signs point to go and, most importantly, our motivations are coming from a good and grounded place.

The Queen of Cups sets the tone for the action to come. This card is an elegant embodiment of true emotional awareness brought to life by carefully cultivated boundaries. The Queen of Cups is generous, supportive, and emotionally wise. She gives, but is not depleted because she knows the importance of tending to herself, her experiences, and her needs. Only then can her powers regenerate themselves. Her giving, therefore, is sustainable and rooted in self-love and self-respect.

This card's presence in the beginning of our reading tells us that we've been doing a wonderful job of being receptive to our desires - tending to our personal gardens - and letting our generosity and relationship to others spring from this joyful and fulfilled place. Looking deeper into this image we can see that the Queen's throne is built on a sandy shore. She's seated firmly on the ground, in touch with the material world and very stable. Part of her robes, however, flow gently into the sea and their pattern even mimics the gentle ripples on the water.

Similarly, we've been tending to our physical selves while practicing gentle awareness of the emotional currents swirling around us. It's only through the stability in our daily lives that we can maintain this balance. We aren't getting swept away into deeper waters - into other people's drama, perhaps, or into speculation, worry, and projection. This has allowed us to peer intently into a great gift that's coming into focus. There's something big and tender that we want to pursue. Like the cup in the Queen's hands, it's right in front of us, and we've been getting to know its contours and details. This cup will appear differently for all of us, yet its common thread is a deep emotional connection. This is something we feel strongly about, something important, visionary, and maybe a little tender. 

Regardless, this big dream is coming closer and closer to reality. 

And what better card to usher our dreams into something real than The Chariot? Oftentimes this card brings with it a great deal of ego and bluster. In this case, however, we can look at The Chariot as an offshoot of The Queen of Cups. Our dreaming, feeling selves are ready to manifest. The Chariot, then, is just the person (or persona) to get the job done. 

These two cards show us shifting from an internally focused, planning mindset into the exciting realm of action. This week is an excellent time to begin the first steps of this new journey. Enough plans have been laid and, in fact, the missing pieces need action in order to be uncovered. We can trust that our motivations are pure and move forward confidently. 

It may be worth mentioning that this shift is also indicative of a healthy self-centeredness. By that I mean that worrying too much about what others think will only hold us back, particularly if we're imagining all sorts of scenarios where we're stepping on other people's toes simply by taking up space with our dreams and goals. The Chariot tells us to move confidently, knowing that The Queen of Cups is truly the one guiding the reins and that our confidence and focus is rooted in wisdom.

The Chariot's adventures in our lives this week are building a wonderful energy. If you look at these three cards we see a move from one court card to two Major Arcana cards. This shows us that an important growth and amplification of our powers is taking place. With The Magician we can see a magnificent growth in confidence. Towards the end of the week we'll have so many more details about our plans and new ideas about what to do next. With focus, dedication, and joy we can easily carry this energy forward and bring important ideas and goals into reality. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: June 11-17

This week is brimming with hearty, enthusiastic energy, my peaches. We have the direct spelndor of The Sun, followed by the rich satisfaction and tenderness of the Queen of Wands. Things are unfolding beautifully and, in addition to being able to run forward with mindful enthusiasm, we're also being wise enough to take quieter moments to tend to ourselves and the ones we love. Take a moment right now to congratulate yourself. It's easy to overlook this step when things are going well; let's not miss this opportunity today.

Ricardo Cavolo Tarot del Fuego Queen of Cups The Sun Ten of Wands

This week is brimming with hearty, enthusiastic energy, my peaches. We have the direct spelndor of The Sun, followed by the rich satisfaction and tenderness of the Queen of Wands. Things are unfolding beautifully and, in addition to being able to run forward with mindful enthusiasm, we're also being wise enough to take quieter moments to tend to ourselves and the ones we love. Take a moment right now to congratulate yourself. It's easy to overlook this step when things are going well; let's not miss this opportunity today.

I'm going to skip over these cards for a minute and focus on our final card, the Ten of Wands. It appears there's a fox in the henhouse. Indeed, Ricardo Cavolo's depiction of this card - a fox replacing the traditional image of an exhausted person pushing a bundle of wands - is very apt this week. We seem to be unwilling to slow down and appreciate the results of a final push to the end of a cycle.

Just look at the mischievous fox perched on its stack of wands. If we gaze closer we can see that the wands form a barrier between the water - the element of the Queen of Cups - and the warm rays of the sun. This temptation is arriving towards the end of the week, when we may feel pulled to gleefully bypass the success, sweetness, and happiness we've earned this week.

 In this case, we're replacing celebration with more work and responsibility. The pile of wands represents a burden of duties, the kind that can seem extra important from the outside. We're running around frenetically, looking important and getting things done! 

Sounds like fun, right? The Tens in tarot have a trickiness to them. While we often talk about them as the end of a cycle, they in fact represent an overload or excess of energy. (Just look at the epic, death metal album cover of a card, the Ten of Swords!) In other words, they're overkill, and we can look at them as the extra steps we run past the finish line, carried by our immense momentum. 

This week we're given an opprtunity to pump the brakes on the process. What if we stop and realize we've already accomplished what we needed to accomplish? And that, instead of rushing to fill the void with more busy work and stress, we can open up to joys of accomplishment?

 In this reading, that facet of our experience is clear, bright, and powerful. The Sun tells us that we've been working towards a goal that is truly aligned with our highest self. The Queen of Cups tells us that we're embodying the complex and loving responsibility that allows us to prioritize pleasure, enjoyment, and loving relationships. These are no small potatoes! It's time to relax into these wonderful realities. Reach out, share, celebrate, and push those wands to the side.

Sometimes the conclusion of a journey is realizing you've already reached its end.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: November 27-December 3

Tarot del Fuego 3 Card Spread Tarot Reading

This week's cards are practically singing from the rooftops with clarity, energy, and affection. We have a clear conduit for our deeper, feeling selves that is allowing us to channel our emotions into practical action and important mental breakthroughs.

 Just look at the elemental gorgeousness in these lush cards from the Fountain Tarot. They paint a lovely and straightforward illustration that I see as the deep and nourishing waters of our feelings (The Queen of Cups) emerging into the ground and growing (The Knight of Pentacles), then finally blooming into light and clarity with the Ace of Swords. 

This is an excellent time to examine what it means for us to know things, both within our minds and our bodies. Where does our inspiration spring from? What path does it take before it emerges into the world? I like to think about this process as a beautiful secret we can't even put into words. We know it when we feel giddy and bright and can't help but smile slyly knowing that a special change is just around the corner.

Caring for our sense of wonder and the unique mystery of our creative process will bring us a sense of peace and excitement. There's no need to rush things. The only suite missing here is the Wands, showing us that this week is made for a slower, less frenetic way of being. Easing into our selves and feeling ourselves is what will feed our minds. We'll likely be aware of something brewing under the surface, detectable in more subtle ways, before it bursts forth into the sun into the clear cut and unmistakable. 

The Knight of Coins (aka Pentacles) urges us to stay in the moment and diligently care for our swirling potential. Think of tending a garden - using the rhythms of nature to direct your work and showing up every day to snip here, pull up a weed there, or plant a seedling here. Sustained, mindful, and healing practice will grant us a sense of satisfaction as well as the room to grow without pressure. 

By gifting ourselves this space to let our feeling selves bubble up we can care for ourselves and enjoy our lives at the same time. Revolutionary, I know! And springing from this flowing and earthy energy is the ray of sunshine that is the Ace of Wands. We can look forward to a mental breakthrought at the end of the week, one that will light up our lives and clear a path to our next, exciting step. 

Underneath it all is the beautiful wholeness of the Queen of Cups. Now is a time to show our love both to ourselves and the world around us, knowing that its expression is deep and sustaining, meant to multiply joy and offer healing and regeneration. 

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