Rider Waite Smith Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Seven of Pentacles


A card reflecting a moment of rest after a job well done, The Seven of Pentacles shows us how integrating how far we've come is an essential step on our journey. Sometimes it's a welcome respite and other times it's something we'd like to avoid in the hopes of charing forward. Here we see a farmer gazing at his fruitful vine. Hard work has resulted in wealth and plenty, but we must continue working, though only after stopping to enjoy the fruits of our labor and give thought to what we'd like to create in the future.


Rest, reflection, break, prosperity, acheivement, satisfaction.

Appears As

Hard work coming to fruition, a period of plenty, connection to career, success in work, feeling content and validated, sensing a new phase, checking-in about life's direction, contemplating how far one has come, looking back to past experiences for guidance.