Weekly Forecast: July 11-17

Would you believe I’m excited about a reading that starts out like this? And yet… things are coming together despite being difficult. This week we can lay down our swords, rest, and start to see the fruits of our labor and the wisdom of our grief.

Starting off with the Ten of Swords may not look easy, yet I’m heartened to see this card here. Tens are endings - what difficulties, heartaches, or challenging stories are reaching their conclusion for you right now? Your ending may not feel like an ending at first. In fact, it might feel overwhelming, a deluge of feelings. The Ten of Swords can represent moments when our emotions catch up with us. No matter how much spin we put on things (we’re fine! Life is fine!) eventually our evasions can’t hold up to our fears, tenderness, and exhaustion. Falling face-first onto a beach may not seem like the ideal outcome, but take some time to hear the waves and feel the wet sand on your cheek. Is it really so bad to just be with yourself?

If you find yourself laid low or simply overwhelmed at the beginning of the week allow plenty of space just to experience things - your life, yourself - simply as they are. The beautiful story in our reading is that the faceplant of the Ten of Swords leads us to the peaceful safety of The Four of Swords. Can you lead yourself to a calmer space of rest? Or, better yet, let those around you guide the way?

This week carries a massive opportunity for healing and relief. Allow simplicity to guide you. An overload of swords weighs us down in spectacular fashion (I’d argue that the Ten of Swords is the most brutal-looking card in the deck) - where can you let go of memories, ideas, convictions, plans, and all other denizens of your mind that hamper your growth? While we’re in a process of shedding this week, something new is emerging, but it won’t be found in forceful thinking, arguing, or aggressive searching. Instead, the Four of Swords asks us to consider the slippery, poetic impressions that intrigue us. Make time for rest so that you can dream, listen to your body, and be open to ideas or observations that feel elusive and mysterious.

While we’ll be in our heads for some of the week, it’s time well spent. Have you been running fast, staving off feelings through action and productivity? Perhaps feeling like rest and consideration is indulgent or cowardly? Maybe these thoughts are some of the pesky, cutting swords sticking in your back. The Four of Swords is a gloriously healthy manifestation of the mental energy of its group; allow yourself to treat rest and discernment (particularly the kind that involves waiting) as essential parts of your process rather than distractions.

We leave the land of mental processing and emotional healing towards the end of the week and visit the final card in our monthly forecast. This is a tarot emphasis on the power of these swords cards. Resting and taking time to tend to our hurt while jettisoning any toxic beliefs is in the service of the larger story at work.

Remember that our card for the month is The Chariot - if you’ve been feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and disconnected from your mission and willpower, pay special attention to the messages coming through in your experience of these hurtful swords. You may have some unfinished business to deal with that, once tended to, will allow you to move forward with newfound purpose.

On the other side is the Seven of Pentacles a card of both fulfillment and dissatisfaction. Make room for this uncomfortable combination! Dare I say embrace it? Because if we accept that we are happy with what we have and we want, celebrating our success and growing to new places will feel a lot easier.

I’d also like to point out that the Seven of Pentacles is a hearty reminder to check-in on our everyday and material life after doing so much soul-searching. See how your life is still chugging along? See all the things you’ve built, the projects and routines you’ve cultivated? Spending time here is a wonderful antidote to the heady world of swords. Tend to your garden and see what futures you can imagine now that you’ve put down some swords and have your feet on the ground.

This week, embrace:

  • Feeling those feelings! Especially the difficult ones

  • Accepting vulernability

  • Re-centering around intuition

  • Examining your routines

  • Small actions with tangible results

This week, avoid:

  • Rushing through big feelings

  • Ignoring wounds

  • Catastrophizing

  • Reinventing the wheel

  • Self-criticism

Get creative:

  • Ten of Swords: Part of this card can touch on self-inflicted wounds, and I think it’d be helpful to direct some compassion here this week. The Ten of Swords doesn’t have to be ten huge swords pushed into our backs - it can be more of a death by 1,000 cuts, tiny sniping comments we level at ourselves constantly. Think of one or two cutting remarks you direct at yourself frequently and come up with a replacement statement - something loving, supportive, and constructive. Practice substituting this kind remark for the cruel one when you notice yourself becoming judgmental.

  • Four of Swords: Because swords can be so harsh, I think this week is a good time to really soften the edges in our lives. So, a very simple suggestion: buy yourself some flowers. Put them in your bedroom and enjoy the soothing cheer they bring. (Who knows, maybe they’ll help usher in some of the elusive insights shown in this card?)

  • Seven of Pentacles: Before we can refine, change, and finesse we have to know what we’re working with. Spend some time this week appreciating the cycles, routines, and rituals you have in your daily life or a specific project (Pentacles, after all, often refer to our professional/work lives). After some observation and reflection, take some time at the end of the week to write down the seven things that make you feel satisfied and grounded in this area. This is the foundation that you’re building on.


Weekly Forecast: July 25-31


Weekly Forecast: July 4-10