Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: December 12-18

Last week was ruled by The Tower - that quintessential card of upsetting endings - yet it was also bolstered by the magic of the Seven of Cups. No one moment is entirely “good” or “bad",” and just as The Tower has room for beauty, beauty holds plenty of room for suffering. Yet it’s often this contrast that makes important ideas and sources of information visible. So, this week, we’re gifted with the awareness of an important wellspring, one that’s setting the stage for our next phase in life.

three card tarot reading albano-waite-smith deck ace of cups, seven of pentacles, king of wands

After a tumultuous week that has us focusing on what was ending, we’re now directing our gaze to where sustenance, beauty, and inspiration is flowing with natural abundance.

Last week was ruled by The Tower - that quintessential card of upsetting endings - yet it was also bolstered by the magic of the Seven of Cups. No one moment is entirely “good” or “bad",” and just as The Tower has room for beauty, beauty holds plenty of room for suffering. Yet it’s often this contrast that makes important ideas and sources of information visible. So, this week, we’re gifted with the awareness of an important wellspring, one that’s setting the stage for our next phase in life.

And, as the dust settles more and more, we’re starting to see how this source is ever-present and constantly flowing. What happens when we center our lives here instead of the hard walls of, say, a Tower?

The Ace of Cups is an undeniably gorgeous card, one we haven’t seen in quite some time. If last week had us scrambling to dream ourselves forward despite the chaos of something ending spectacularly, this week the chaos has subsided to reveal a more unified understanding of what really matters to us.

It’s crucial to note here that the cups are a group of cards that speak to feelings, not thoughts, concepts, or practices. We can direct these feelings into actions, of course, and translate some of their messages into ideas, but at their core, cups are about the watery and mysterious world of our emotions, spirit, and intuition. Experiencing and understanding this part of our lives comes easier to some than others, so be gentle if you struggle with validating and trusting their messages. Aces, however, are all about awareness and acceptance, nothing more, so just try to stay with what feels good. It’s likely that in dreaming big last week you gained a new understanding of what truly gives you sustenance - real spiritual and emotional sustenance. Let that be enough and see what your burgeoning awareness might reveal.

The rest of this reading plants us at an intriguing juncture. It’s time for a change, but not one we’re being forced into. This week we’re taking back the reins and mustering our energy to forge our own path forward. If you’ve been considering an impactful change in your daily life (Seven of Pentacles), this is the time to start making some decisions about it (King of Wands).

And let’s take a moment to appreciate our “elemental array” we’re working with - water (cups), earth (pentacles) and fire (wands). No airy swords in sight which tells us that this is not a time to analyze or deal in concepts or abstractions. Our inspiration is flowing, we have a solid foundation/resume, and now is the time to step into our role as the authority over our life and energy and do something.

If that feels pressure-filled, simply return to the Ace of Cups because there is no better card to represent authentic, heart-centered motivation. It’s been watering our efforts for some time, as shown in the lushness of the Seven of Pentacles, but we’re also ready to take things to the next level. Again, this is not about reinventing the wheel, but it is about finding new pathways that can give you increased satisfaction and avenues through which you can express your skills, talents, and charisma.

The King of Wands is an immensely charming card, and it tells us to live big and celebrate who we truly are. This is, after all, the King of Fire. What has you lit up right now? What is the source of your personal energy, creativity, and sense of mission? As a publicly-facing card, this King asks us to take responsibility for our gifts - they’re meant to be shared so that their fire can give warmth and light to others.

Notice how the King is also turning to the left, beholding the cards that come before them. Sometimes taking a “fiery stance” feels intimidating or confrontational, even. But this reading is wonderfully balanced; we’re aware of where we stand and that awareness, in fact, is what’s giving us confidence and informing our actions. There’s plenty of water to control a fire if it burns too wildly. There’s plenty of earth to soak up and be nourished by the effusive and plentiful water. In these conditions, taking a chance is not a risk, it’s a joyful requirement.

This week, embrace:

  • Identifying sources of pleasure, beauty, and inspiration

  • Naturally-occurring healing

  • Letting things in, not forcing them

  • Calm and grounded assessments of your daily life and career

  • Your personal authority, energy, and vision

  • Making changes with all these in mind/guiding/supporting you

This week, Avoid:

  • Fear-based decision-making

  • Rushing plans

  • Discounting what comes easily or feels good to you

Get creative:

  • Ace of Cups: Identify one thing that makes you feel amazing and do it more often. Bonus action: Obligatory Ace of Cups ritual bath (because how could I not?) - A heaping cup of Epsom salts, fresh mint, rose petals, and a few drops of sweet orange essential oil.

  • Seven of Pentacles: Find or consecrate a houseplant you already have to represent your eighth pentacle - what do you want to grow and tend to in your life right now? As you care for it, envision this project or venture flourishing.

  • King of Wands: The Albano-Waite-Smith deck we’re using this week is really making this king seem extra-fiery, so I think we should do the same. Find a power outfit, preferably red, and wear it all week or on a day when you need to be seen, get your point across, or muster your energy.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: September 26 - October 2

Okay, friends. We have an unusually straightforward reading this week: Embracing our ability to make choices around our resources is leading to growth and action. Not so hard, huh? Reading done? Not quite yet…

Before we get into the details, I’d like to say that, reading beyond the cards, this is a time to enjoy how the power of natural focus frees up space in other areas of our life. We’re touching on themes of pentacles - daily life, material possessions, the physical and tangible - and doing so is bringing us immense clarity. That also means that we can take the pressure off of other aspects that may have been clamoring for our attention in the past, trusting that they’ll work themselves out as time goes by.

Okay, friends. We have an unusually straightforward reading this week: Embracing our ability to make choices around our resources is leading to growth and action. Not so hard, huh? Reading done? Not quite yet…

Before we get into the details, I’d like to say that, reading beyond the cards, this is a time to enjoy how the power of natural focus frees up space in other areas of our life. We’re touching on themes of pentacles - daily life, material possessions, the physical and tangible - and doing so is bringing us immense clarity. That also means that we can take the pressure off of other aspects that may have been clamoring for our attention in the past, trusting that they’ll work themselves out as time goes by.

Our relationships, creative pursuits, intellectual lives… all of these can get some breathing room; better yet, we can go to them when we need pure enjoyment. Take this moment to gift yourself a clean slate, wipe away any stale thoughts or worries, and reassert your presence at the center of your life.

Speaking of assertiveness, we have the most convivially assertive cards in the deck leading our reading for the week. The King of Pentacles is the kind of character who charms their guests with ribald jokes, plies them with delicious food and good company, to the point that, when they leave, most are unaware of the plots and plans they’ve agreed to. Power by seduction? In a sense; but this week it’s not manipulative or canny. We’re able to touch on our abundance and share it with others in a way that invites them along the journey with us.

Accept your natural charms and generosity this week, reach out to others, and don’t be afraid of forge new alliances and hatch new plans via mutual celebration. This is truly a card of abundance, and it’s interesting that it’s coming after the Autumnal Equinox for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. Many things are coming into fruition, many fruits are ready to harvest. What has been ripening in your life that you can now pluck and taste?

It’s important to note that much of this success, while it seems effortless and exciting, is the result of our hard work and stamina. The King of Pentacles finds success in making things appear frictionless, but let’s step behind the curtain and give ourselves some praise and respect for the diligence and follow-through we’ve mustered - the process from planning the crop, to planting it, tending it through the growing season, and now harvesting it. We did it all, working with the environments around us, of course, and it would be a shame to deny ourselves the affirmation of recognition.

And I just have to note that this a week when, if things have been feeling challenging and out of sorts, the varying puzzle pieces that have been confounding us come together. With some help and luck, yes, but also because the time is just right. (Come to think of it, The Seven of Pentacles does channel that moment when, after staring at the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, you suddenly find that one missing corner piece you swore you’d lost.)

Revisit any ideas or plans that have stymied you recently, perhaps even ones you abandoned years ago. You may be surprised to find an easy solution in this present moment. Or that you can suddenly see what you were unable to before. The King of Pentacles is instructing us to accept our accomplishments, integrate them with our understanding of ourselves, and use that confidence boost to address a pivotal change in the Seven of Pentacles.

What’s the deal with this tunic-clad person leaning nonchalantly on their hoe? Are they lazy? Bored? Simply taking a break? Or, perhaps, do they just need to gaze lovingly and longingly at their garden?

Take time this week to daydream and get lost in reverie. It’s actually an essential part of our work process. If something feels like it’s missing, give it time to emerge. As you’ve likely guessed, The Eight of Wands shows us that breakthrough is imminent, and that when it comes, things start to move quickly. Take temporary lulls in action as an opportunity to gather your wits, take a breath, and get a good look at what you’ve built for yourself - the next steps are coming quickly.

Get a carful of seasonal gourds and the largest pumpkins you can hoist; throw a party with your closest friends; host a meetup for your area of expertise; orchestrate a grand gesture of generosity. All the ways you can embody the King of Pentacles are setting up the breakthrough of the Eight of Wands. They’re also giving us both an outlet for our joy and a chance to recuperate before things start moving once again.

This week, embrace:

  • Generosity

  • Community uplifts and events

  • Leading with “soft power”

  • Self-appreciation

  • Taking a step back to gaze lovingly at your squash garden/recent accomplishments

  • Diving into action when the path finally feels clear

This week, avoid:

  • False modesty

  • Distraction from the task at hand

  • Stinginess

  • Rushing into the final phase without rest and/or a quick moment of deliberation

  • Trying to turn back after something’s launched

Get Creative:

  • King of Pentacles: Let yourself really feel this card. While Kings tend to be an outward-facing bunch, there’s something to be said about how we have to know our own power in order to wield it. So, this week, do something to recognize and embody the power you’ve been building to shape your material world for the better. Plan a kingly celebration just for yourself (why am I picturing a medieval banquet/me eating a whole rotisserie chicken with my hands? … this may be my King of Pentacles moment ;), wear some finery for the day and feel resplendent, or hold court with the people who can share their perceptions of your recent accomplishments with love and goodwill.

  • Seven of Pentacles: This card has the most magic in it for us this week. It’s mysterious, vague, and just the type of tarot invitation for further exploration I love. Do some open-hearted meditation on the image in this card, specifically the boisterously abundant vine the main character is beholding. Close your eyes, settle into yourself, and see how your imagination/intuition/higher-self/subconscious images the recent bounty that’s come into your life. Pay special attention to things that are surprising and not at all what you thought you’d planted when you started this garden.

  • Eight of Wands: While this card is delightful - think the exhilarating rush of a carnival ride - it can also be overwhelming, especially after all the earthy, feet-on-the-ground energy of these pentacles. Simply build in some room in your expectations of the week for change, new energy (people, tasks, projects), and movement, knowing that it’s just the type of shake-up you need to move to the next phase of this chapter.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: July 11-17

Would you believe I’m excited about a reading that starts out like this? And yet… things are coming together despite being difficult. This week we can lay down our swords, rest, and start to see the fruits of our labor and the wisdom of our grief.

Would you believe I’m excited about a reading that starts out like this? And yet… things are coming together despite being difficult. This week we can lay down our swords, rest, and start to see the fruits of our labor and the wisdom of our grief.

Starting off with the Ten of Swords may not look easy, yet I’m heartened to see this card here. Tens are endings - what difficulties, heartaches, or challenging stories are reaching their conclusion for you right now? Your ending may not feel like an ending at first. In fact, it might feel overwhelming, a deluge of feelings. The Ten of Swords can represent moments when our emotions catch up with us. No matter how much spin we put on things (we’re fine! Life is fine!) eventually our evasions can’t hold up to our fears, tenderness, and exhaustion. Falling face-first onto a beach may not seem like the ideal outcome, but take some time to hear the waves and feel the wet sand on your cheek. Is it really so bad to just be with yourself?

If you find yourself laid low or simply overwhelmed at the beginning of the week allow plenty of space just to experience things - your life, yourself - simply as they are. The beautiful story in our reading is that the faceplant of the Ten of Swords leads us to the peaceful safety of The Four of Swords. Can you lead yourself to a calmer space of rest? Or, better yet, let those around you guide the way?

This week carries a massive opportunity for healing and relief. Allow simplicity to guide you. An overload of swords weighs us down in spectacular fashion (I’d argue that the Ten of Swords is the most brutal-looking card in the deck) - where can you let go of memories, ideas, convictions, plans, and all other denizens of your mind that hamper your growth? While we’re in a process of shedding this week, something new is emerging, but it won’t be found in forceful thinking, arguing, or aggressive searching. Instead, the Four of Swords asks us to consider the slippery, poetic impressions that intrigue us. Make time for rest so that you can dream, listen to your body, and be open to ideas or observations that feel elusive and mysterious.

While we’ll be in our heads for some of the week, it’s time well spent. Have you been running fast, staving off feelings through action and productivity? Perhaps feeling like rest and consideration is indulgent or cowardly? Maybe these thoughts are some of the pesky, cutting swords sticking in your back. The Four of Swords is a gloriously healthy manifestation of the mental energy of its group; allow yourself to treat rest and discernment (particularly the kind that involves waiting) as essential parts of your process rather than distractions.

We leave the land of mental processing and emotional healing towards the end of the week and visit the final card in our monthly forecast. This is a tarot emphasis on the power of these swords cards. Resting and taking time to tend to our hurt while jettisoning any toxic beliefs is in the service of the larger story at work.

Remember that our card for the month is The Chariot - if you’ve been feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and disconnected from your mission and willpower, pay special attention to the messages coming through in your experience of these hurtful swords. You may have some unfinished business to deal with that, once tended to, will allow you to move forward with newfound purpose.

On the other side is the Seven of Pentacles a card of both fulfillment and dissatisfaction. Make room for this uncomfortable combination! Dare I say embrace it? Because if we accept that we are happy with what we have and we want, celebrating our success and growing to new places will feel a lot easier.

I’d also like to point out that the Seven of Pentacles is a hearty reminder to check-in on our everyday and material life after doing so much soul-searching. See how your life is still chugging along? See all the things you’ve built, the projects and routines you’ve cultivated? Spending time here is a wonderful antidote to the heady world of swords. Tend to your garden and see what futures you can imagine now that you’ve put down some swords and have your feet on the ground.

This week, embrace:

  • Feeling those feelings! Especially the difficult ones

  • Accepting vulernability

  • Re-centering around intuition

  • Examining your routines

  • Small actions with tangible results

This week, avoid:

  • Rushing through big feelings

  • Ignoring wounds

  • Catastrophizing

  • Reinventing the wheel

  • Self-criticism

Get creative:

  • Ten of Swords: Part of this card can touch on self-inflicted wounds, and I think it’d be helpful to direct some compassion here this week. The Ten of Swords doesn’t have to be ten huge swords pushed into our backs - it can be more of a death by 1,000 cuts, tiny sniping comments we level at ourselves constantly. Think of one or two cutting remarks you direct at yourself frequently and come up with a replacement statement - something loving, supportive, and constructive. Practice substituting this kind remark for the cruel one when you notice yourself becoming judgmental.

  • Four of Swords: Because swords can be so harsh, I think this week is a good time to really soften the edges in our lives. So, a very simple suggestion: buy yourself some flowers. Put them in your bedroom and enjoy the soothing cheer they bring. (Who knows, maybe they’ll help usher in some of the elusive insights shown in this card?)

  • Seven of Pentacles: Before we can refine, change, and finesse we have to know what we’re working with. Spend some time this week appreciating the cycles, routines, and rituals you have in your daily life or a specific project (Pentacles, after all, often refer to our professional/work lives). After some observation and reflection, take some time at the end of the week to write down the seven things that make you feel satisfied and grounded in this area. This is the foundation that you’re building on.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: October 28 - November 3

It's hard to feel satisfied this week. We have the antsy energy of the Seven of Pentacles starting us off: What is making us feel restless, as if we having unfinished business?

Looking for the bee in our bonnet is a worthy endeavor. The Seven of Pentacles shows a crucial point in our journey. Once we've created something noteworthy, it's important to sit with it and see what might need editing. The central point of reference here is our experience. How do we really feel about what we've accomplished? Does it work for us or are we working for it?

Three Card Tarot Reading Apparition Tarot Seven of Pentacles Ten of Pentacles Four of Cups

It's hard to feel satisfied this week. We have the antsy energy of the Seven of Pentacles starting us off: What is making us feel restless, as if we have unfinished business?

Looking for the bee in our bonnet is a worthy endeavor. The Seven of Pentacles shows a crucial point in our journey. Once we've created something noteworthy, it's important to sit with it and see what might need editing. The central point of reference here is our own experience. How do we really feel about what we've accomplished? Does it work for us or are we working for it?

The continuity in this reading is deeply encouraging. If we dive into our desire to perfect and shape our lives we can take the quick leap from good enough to wonderfully just right: the Ten of Pentacles.

We are, however, not quite used to feeling satisfied. The Four of Cups is one step away, continuing the overall picky vibes of the Seven of Pentacles. It's as if we can't stay in the diverse splendor of the Ten of Pentacles for too long. Is it too dangerous to enjoy our lives or be proud of our achievements? Are we poking holes in something beautiful, and why?

The Four of Cups is where our emotional experience comes in, and perhaps there's a shade of perfectionism here, like we can't allow ourselves to accept just how far we've come and how resplendent and delightful and messy our lives can look.

I see this card as an instinct to turn away from our lives, perhaps with a twinge of depression. Yet the bounty of the Ten of Pentacles isn't polished to the point of inauthenticity, and maybe it's that facet that makes it so threatening. You can look at this card as a rich and full life. And I mean all of life.

It's the dishes in the kitchen sink you can never get to because you're running around working, seeing friends, and tending to connections; the challenges of close friendships and tight-knit families; the chaos of life itself.

The tens are maximalist cards. Some of them, like the swords and wands, lead to overwhelm and heartache. Others, like the pentacles and cups, show how you can't have too much of a good thing. Love, connection, and a well-lived life flourish in abundance. Yet the intensity can be overwhelming at times, loud and bright and fast-moving. Remaining in the moment, being supported by all the work we're doing and all that we have to show it, is a magical thing to do. It opens doors to so much more.

This week we can resist the old pattern of retreating into critical thinking or narratives of failure and loneliness and stay in our majestic, messy, and fantastic now.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: February 18-24

We have the unique opportunity this week to mull over some important decisions. Now is not a time for speed, trust falls into the universe, or rash actions. Rather, any powerful feelings around change are merited and useful. So long as we don't let them become paralyzing, that is. And the good news is that we have plenty of time. 

Three Card Reading Rider Waite Smith Tarot

We have the unique opportunity this week to mull over some important decisions. Now is not a time for speed, trust falls into the universe, or rash actions. Rather, any powerful feelings around change are merited and useful. So long as we don't let them become paralyzing, that is. And the good news is that we have plenty of time. 

With Justice and Judgment bookending the seemingly passive Seven of Pentacles, one could look at this week's spread and see us being hemmed in by epic experiences and realizations:

Is the principled action bringing us to a pivotal and momentous change? Do we need a kick in the pants to move us from the introspection and critique of the Seven of Pentacles and into the sometimes-jarring "a-ha" moment of Judgment?

It's not quite as simple, and the key card here is not one of the Major Arcana. Instead, it's the placid Seven of Pentacles: we are holding the reins (or, in this case, hoe) and we have time to examine our past choices so that we can listen to our inner voice moving forward.

It's not a glamorous moment, but it's one where we can do some important work that will make things so much easier down the road. Because taking stock and peering closer at the everyday brings us closer to our own experience. That way, when we have to make changes or figure out what we really want, we have actual evidence to call upon. Not the alluring bombast of these Major Arcana cards, but real insight into our human experience. What we need right now is a loving gaze into who we are and what we've done so far.

In the story of these cards we can see that our current situation is the result of a period of hard work. What's more, it's hard work driven by important ideals and values. We were planed and principled, fully inhabiting the role of Justice, and now the data is in. Whatever we've been cultivating has sprouted, grown, and borne fruit. 

Our task now is to take a look at what we've cultivated - what's worked, what hasn't, and how we've felt about the whole process. We're not after a big epiphany and we can do ourselves a favor by striping away any judgment and pressure. Our challenge here is to see things for what they are as well as our role in creating our current situation. 

As we peer into what's actually happening we can see what it's done for us and, perhaps, who we've become throughout the process. Some of what we find may be surprising and it's our job to value each discovery equally. Maybe something that's going smashingly doesn't resonate with us at all. Maybe a certain task we though would be dull is actually enrapturing and fun. 

Underneath all this examination and circling back to our personal experience lies a valuable intuitive message. It's as if we're archaeologists, carefully brushing away dust and debris on a normal looking patch of earth to slowly reveal something unknown and important. This would be our Judgment moment, that time when our intuitive voice becomes loud an unmistakable. 

So this week we can patiently take stock and see what feels authentic and what doesn't, trusting that we're working towards the clarity of Judgement and that we don't need to rush. Intuition and guidance can be hiding in plain sight and sometimes our task is to gently tease it out and give it room to speak more loudly.

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Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky Learning Tarot Gina Wisotzky

Exploring the Minor Arcana: The Sevens

In this series we'll be diving into the world of the Minor Arcana. Each segment will group the cards by number where we can engage in their themes and differences. For all the posts in the installment, click here.

The growth and harmony of the sixes quickly gets complicated with the topsy-turvy sevens. This group of cards illustrates the necessary shakeups that takes us out of our comfort zone and towards the next level. We may struggle in this moment of adjustment, but this gives us the opportunity to test ourselves and emerge all the wiser and affirmed with valuable knowledge.

As a number, seven pops up frequently in mythology and superstition - think snow white and the seven dwarfs and "lucky number seven." Because of this, the sevens hold a great deal of mystery and a spiritual undertone, whether literally or through a more general "deeper meaning."

Explore In-Depth Minor Arcana Meanings

The  Seven of Wands sees the fiery energy of the suit back at it again. The six, with its happy victory parade, is calm and content with success. This feeling, however, is feeling and the seven shows the exhilaration and motivation that comes from action.

For the Seven of Swords is delightfully tricky. Like the Seven of Wands, this cards energy is somewhat challenging. Wielded irresponsibly, say by sneaking off with seven literal swords, it can be harmful and deceptive. With understanding of the necessity of lightheartedness and play, it can add a refreshing zest to life. As a swords card, it also refers to the rejuvenating force of mental experimentation and games when it comes to shaking up old ideas or plans.

The Seven of Cups shows both the bounty and overwhelming power of our imaginations. We're able to conjure up the most fantastic situations, ideas, and even feelings. Without direction, however, we can get frozen in the face of all those possibilities. This card shows us the wonder of daydreaming, spiritual seeking, and uninhibited emotions as well as their shadow sides: it's easy to lose sight of ourselves in the face of all these visions.

Finally, the Seven of Pentacles unsurprisingly seems to channel the destabilizing energy of the sevens best. Being all about, well stability, the pentacles expression of this group of cards is one of reflection and achievement, though not in the boastful sense. Rather we see a contemplative farmer gazing at a vine blossoming with golden pentacles. Their hard work has paid off, giving them a moment to reflect, learn, and plan for the future. Perhaps there is even a hidden message as well...

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: January 22-28

Mountain Dream Tarot Weekly Forecast Tarot Reading Three of Swords Tower

Distraction as self-deception.

Sometimes we're in the throes of something powerful and wonderful. A recent development or breakthrough had made our lives easier - hard work is paying off, our efforts are producing results, and best yet, it's not full of struggle and challenge. It's just flowing.

Things can get tricky here. We want to keep our success and ease, bottle it up so we can use it whenever we want. Or, better yet, have it be the baseline for our lives. What would be better than all sunshine and rainbows and accomplishments?

This is controlling behavior, and at the root of it all is fear. We're afraid about what it means when the good thing ends, or when we're no longer blessed by plenty. Instead of accepting this uncertainty, we're tempted to fight it. But guess what? Thinking about everything that could go wrong, planning for it, and envisioning it... it puts a lot of energy towards an imagined negative circumstance.

Suddenly we're no longer able to take advantage of the goodness that's unfolding before us. Instead of taking stock of all our skills and hard work and letting the pleasant reality we've spent so much time manifesting just be, we run off in our thoughts. What could go wrong? How can I stop it? Yes, maybe it's better to work in this area, putting up defenses instead of building into the future.

The Seven of Swords represents such inner trickery. We want to use our thinking, controlling minds to eliminate any issues. The figure slinking off carrying a pile of swords has a satisfied smirk on their face. Stealthily, they've been able to avoid the crowd of people just visible in the background. They've averted confrontation and done so with cunning and quick thinking.

Yet to the right we have the Seven of Pentacles, a card of satisfaction and hard work if there ever was one. This suggests that we're caught between two worldviews this week - our actual, tangible success (that's rooted in actual, tangible work) and a scenario of fear and necessity that involves sneaking and stealth. Is there something in our lives that seems too good to be true? Would we rather second guess than celebrate and acknowledge it?

In a way, the Seven of Swords has a more clearly defined mission than the Seven of Pentacles. The silhouettes in the background give us a sense of urgency. "If I don't run off with these swords now, they'll catch me." Never mind if "they" are potential collaborators, friends, or allies. It's easier to feel justified and entertained when we have a force acting in opposition to us. In contrast, the Seven of Pentacles is a little quaint. It's just you and your vine of pentacles, blossoming. Sure it's a lovely sight, but where's the drama? This card holds within it the challenge to find beauty and satisfaction in life without the crutch of fear and opposition.

Clearly, this is a sticky area right now. The Eight of Swords sees us overwhelmed and struggling with both versions of our current situation. We're feeling a lack of agency here, though perhaps the mild panic is a call for quiet in disguise. Moving away from a fear-based interpretation is scary. Without the menacing, vague crowd in the background we have just ourselves to answer to and hold accountable. Taking a break and time to address and comfort our fears will go a long way in allowing us to open up to the bounty that's actually unfolding in our lives.

We may be at a new phase that will take some bravery to commit to and achieve. We're slowly mustering the courage, and doing so will require looking into our use of fear to keep ourselves small. The water pooling around the figure in the Eight of Swords, however, shows that the shift is happening and natural. We just need to be aware, mindful of the importance of this growth, and brave enough to peek out and see how hospitable and welcoming the world is to our vision.

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: December 4-10

Rider Waite Smith Three Card Tarot Reading

How do we look at the world and our part in it?

This week gives us a fascinating opportunity to reassesss our outlook. We're entering into things feeling a bit prickly and restless. The landscape stretching out before us seems rough around the edges and we're approaching it with trepidation and distrust. Perhaps something in the past is making us feel wary today; a memory of a hurtful situation that's reminiscent of our current surroundings. 

But things aren't what they seem. It's quite the opposite, in fact. Armed with our discerning minds we're attempting to stave off vulerability because, in our heart of hearts, we know something new and exciting is happening. Rather than lean into it, our first instinct is to protect and withdraw. Look at the windswept wariness of the Five of Swords. Surveying a cloudy beach, the central figure holds three swords, having just vanquished two figures turning away mournfully to the ocean.

We're starting off with the distrustful energy of the Five of Swords and yet the other two cards in our reading, The Seven of Pentacles and The Sun, paint an entirely differnt pictue. Instead of desolate, grey beaches we have light and bright skies. Instead of smirking at a temporary victory, we have calm satisfaction and effervescent joy. 

In a sense, we're seeing the world through some very dark sunglasses, an idea or worldview that we've inherited instead of earned or created for ourselves. We might think they make us look cool and mysterious, but they actually darken our view of things, limiting our ability to see situations as the are.

Our first instinct is to see our situation as dire - we need to use our minds, thoughts, and actions to defend our turf from others. In reality, however, we're more like the content farmer in the Seven of Pentacles. There's no one circling us, hoping to make off with our bounty. Instead, we're given the opportunity to relax and take in the fruits of our labors. Why would we choose anything else?

The Five of Swords and the Seven of Pentacles ask us to engage with our tendencies to see the world as an inherently competitive place. What do we gain from this? Is it a sense of urgency and importance? The ability to hide our pride in our hard work behind struggle and drama?

This cards for this week ask us to be brave and let our skills and accomplishments just be: just be worthy of our pride, worthy of acknowledgment from others, and worthy of celebration. Doing so allows us to blossom into clearer and more joyful people, ready to enter into all aspects of life as full expressions of ourselves, uninhibited by self-doubt and negative thinking. 

Yes, this can be scary. We don't have the excuse of busying ourselves in protective battles agaisnt nefarious assailants. Instead, we're just in a blossoming garden of our own making. And we can see ourselves as The Sun whose light allows all our ideas, plans, and visions to grow and flourish. 

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Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky Weekly Forecast Gina Wisotzky

Weekly Forecast: October 9-15

Tarot Reading Tarot del Fuego Three Card Vibrant

Quests for deeper meaning are often just that - deep. We tend to draw inwards, cutting out distractions in order to focus in on a higher truth. It's mystical, meaningful, and a departure from our usual way of moving through the world. 

After a while, however, the ideas we've been chasing start to coalesce. Then we can begin to integrate them into our lives, bringing them out of the darkness and into real and sometimes messy practice. 

This week we're at such a point, enjoying the newfound inner peace that emerges when we bring our values and ideas into our actions. The meeting of the two creates a feeling of harmony. The inner matches up with the outer and we feel shiny and new and proud of our decisions. 

The Hierophant illustrates this feeling beautifully. He is the embodiment of our beliefs, contained and broadcasted outwards. I like to think of this card as the home we build for our beliefs. Where do they live in our lives? This can be traditional, like going to church every Sunday, or more diffuse - the small rituals where we are truly present or ways we interact with the world that holds a higher truth or power in mind. 

This week we're being asked to take note of these places and draw strength from them because, excitingly enough, we're going to be asked to expand them in the days to come. It might feel scary - after all, some of these practices are new. We might think they're untested and not quite ready for a larger stage. The cards, however, have something else in mind. 

What happens when we live our lives in alignment with our values? People take notice. It's impossible to be at one with yourself and live a harmonious life and sneak by, invisible. The thing is, when we're carving space in our lives to accomodate and honor what means the most to us, we're also broadcasting a new way of being to those around us. It's inspiring and a little unnerving. Shining bright means that you're also a beacon.

This week is giving us an opportunity to shine a little brighter. The Seven of Pentacles depicts a moment where we first take stock of how far we've come and second, after a deep breath, leap forward in search of more. Whatever the opportunity, it will take shape in a practical, embodied part of our lives. Increased responsibility, the chance to learn a new complimentary skill, or an unexpected leap forward. No matter the form it takes, The Hierophant is telling us that we're ready for this expansion.

Most encouragingly, the Queen of Wands appears as our final card. She's shown up as a theme for several past readings, indicating that we have a larger lesson to learn from her right now. Learning to channel our abundance of energy with grace and effectiveness has brought us quite far already. Once again, we're returning to a place where we can accomplish so much and, instead of descending into burnout, it's reigniting our passion and propelling us forward to brigher, even more exciting places. 

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